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White Papers

  1. Mindesttemperatur einer Leiterplatte / Minimum Temperature of a Printed Board (DE/EN)
  2. Stromtragfähigkeit von Leiterbahnen / Current-Carrying Capacity of Traces (DE/EN)
  3. Wärmewiderstände hinterfragt (DE)
  4. FR4 - dein Freund und Helfer / FR4 - a Jolly Good Fellow (DE/EN)
  5. Wärmestrahlung in der Elektronik (DE)
  6. Strombelastbarkeit von Vias (DE)
  7. Heat Spreading and Layout / Wärmespreizung und Layout ( EN/DE )
  8. Kurzschlussstrom und Temperatur (DIN/VDE 0298) / Short-Circuit Current and Temperature ( DE/EN )
  9. Temperature of a Heated Plate as Function of Time ( EN )
  10. Melting Time of a Wire in Adiabatic Approximation (Onderdonk Equation) ( EN )
  11. Internal Temperature of a Component (Junction Temperature) ( EN )
  12. Axial ventilator selection guide: Fan Laws and Fan Correlations. (EN)
  13. How effective are thermal vias? Less than you think. (EN)
  14. About temperature of shunt resistors (EN)
This collection has its historical order. Some topics have been extended in the list of publications or list of Case Studies.