Doug Brooks has revised his previously self-distributed book on Amazon and it is now available from Artech House.
PCB Design Guide to Via and Trace Currents and Temperatures
Explores how hot traces and vias will be and what board, circuit, design, and environmental parameters are the most important;
● Covers PCB materials (copper and dielectrics) and the role they play in the heating and cooling of traces;
● Details the IPC curves found in IPC 2152, the equations that fit those curves and computer simulations that fit those curves and equations;
● Presents sensitivity analyses that show what happens when environments are varied, including adjacent traces and planes, changing trace lengths, and thermal gradients;
● Explores via temperatures and what determines them, along with fusing issues and whether we can predict the fusing time of traces;
● Readers learn how to measure the thermal conductivity of dielectrics and how to measure the resistivity of copper traces and why many prior attempts to do so have been doomed to failure.
He also uses TRM and outlines the process of model building.

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